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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Diane Perry Workshop at CAG in March

"Ever Watchful" Watercolor by Diane Perry


Watercolors:  Go With The Flow

March 23rd and 24th
9am - 4pm

Cost:   $130 CAG Members  /  $150 Non-Members

This two day workshop explores the spontaneous nature of watercolor.  Participants will practice techniques that allow the paint to move and flow of its own accord while also creating as much or as little detail as desired.  We will focus on color as well as the importance of variation in edges.  In addition we will paint a step-by-step painting together that utilizes what we learned in our practice sessions.

The workshop includes:
  • Numerous demonstrations
  • One on one facilitation and attention
  • A relaxed and encouraging atmosphere where students work at their own level while stretching their skills into the next level
  • A packet of material that includes photo reference(s), step-by-step written instructions for the formal painting we will do together, a template of the painting to trace for those who choose to use it, etc.
The workshop is open for beginners to advanced students.  It's helpful if folks have had some watercolor experience but certainly is not necessary...every body's welcome. 

Diane Perry Studio


March 23-24, 2013 Watercolor Workshop

Graphite Stick or Graphite Paper

Tape – 1” masking tape to hold paper to backing board

Kleenex or roll of toilet paper (make sure Kleenex is not the type with lotion added)

Water Container

Palette – the white plastic palettes with wells to hold paint and a large space in the middle to mix
colors work best. You need a color mixing area of at least 5x7 inches to work well.

Paper VERY IMPORTANT……Buy paper that says it is 100% cotton or 100% rag, such as Arches brand, 300lb or 140lb COLD PRESS watercolor paper. If it’s not 100% cotton or 100% rag the paper is significantly more difficult to paint on. Do not bring Strathmore brand paper. Bring four to five 9”x12” pieces or larger. 

Backing Board:
This needs to be waterproof and bigger than the size paper you will be using because this is what you will tape the paper to. Ex: Plexiglas, Stratocore, Lightweight Watercolor Board. If you are working on a watercolor “block” (not a pad) then you won’t need a backing board.


  • Synthetic - least expensive, not as even distribution of paint in the brush strokes
  • Natural - usually most expensive but gives a consistent distribution of paint
  • Blend -best of both worlds, giving an adequate distribution of paint
  • If you prefer Flats: 1” Flat Brush, a ¾” Flat Brush, and a ½” Flat Brush
  • If you prefer Rounds: #12 Round (Suggestion: Rob’t Simmons Sapphire Round S85 short handle series) Hobby Lobby, Michael's, also online supply stores – see list of stores below
  • #6 Round 
  • A “scrubber” brush for lifting (a stiff oil or acrylic brush will work pretty well, too)
Any brand will be sufficient for the workshop (I usually use Da Vinci or Daniel Smith brands). We will be working with a limited number of colors for the workshop so these are the colors I will be demonstrating with and the ones I recommend you bring:

  • Rose or Permanent Rose
  • Ultramarine Blue or French Ultramarine Blue
  • Cobalt Blue
  • Aureolin (yellow) 
  • Winsor Green
  • Winsor & Newton Cotman Burnt Sienna 
  • OR Daniel Smith Quinacridone Sienna 
  • OR Da Vinci Quinacridone Burnt Orange
Sketch book or some printer paper

Hair dryer, if you have one

Spray Bottle

Kneaded Eraser

Smock, Painter’s Apron, or old clothes…we’re REALLY going to have fun!

If you have questions regarding any of the supplies you’re welcome to email Diane at Or call Diane at (970) 420-2052.

On-line supply sources: 
  • Art Supply Warehouse (usually least expensive)
  • Daniel Smith (can only find DS paints on their website:
  • Jerry’s Artarama:  (there’s also a Jerry’s Artarama store in Fort Collins but stock is limited)
  • Cheap Joe’s:          


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