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Friday, September 7, 2012

Terrie Lombardi demos pastels at Vanda Edington "Purely Pastel" Reception

"Enthralled with Pink"
Pastel Painting by Vanda Edington
Purely Pastel
 September 12, at 7PM 
Esther and John Clay Fine Arts Gallery at LCCC  

Purely Pastel is the name of the show featuring Vanda Edington, CAG member.  The show opens  September 12th with a demo and reception in the Easter and John Clay Fine Arts Gallery at LCCC.  Vanda was was selected to show her work through October 16th. Her teacher, Terrie Lombardi, will do a pastel demo and show several of her pieces. There will also be a display of pastel, papers, books and a slide show showing the production of pastel sticks at the Terry Ludwig Pastels factory.
"Love Affair with Peonies"
Pastel Painting by Terry Lombardi

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